Articles for tag: Bird Food, Moths

Karla News

How to Get Rid of Bird Seed Moths

Almost all pet bird owners know what bird seed moths are and dread hearing about them. These are the small little winged bugs that can prove to be quite difficult to get rid of. In order to get rid of them, we first have to understand where they come from. The term “bird seed moth” ...

Karla News

How to Get Rid of Kitchen Moths

Do you have a problem with aggravating pest? So, one night, you walk to your pantry to grab yourself something to eat and out crawls those moths. Then you notice there are more. By this time you’ll probably be so frustrated and worried you can’t even think straight. How did they even get there? Surely ...

Karla News

All About Gypsy Moths

I remember the summer quite clearly, though I don’t remember how old I was at the time. What I remember was that I had to wear a hat outside almost everyday when I went out to play. Though hats are always a good idea to prevent sunburn, back then I wore one for a completely ...

How to Get Rid of Moths

Are there a ton of moths around your house? Have the moths been eating holes in your fabrics? These creatures are not dangerous at all, they are actually very similar to butterflies, but they can cause damage to your house. They eat fabric and can consume holes through your belongings. Here are some ways to ...

Karla News

Natural Ways to Prevent Moths Without Using Mothballs

Finding moths in stored blankets, clothing, and other fabrics is a nightmare. Moths lay their eggs in the folds of the fabric and create holes as they devour the fibers. Mothballs are an effective way to prevent moths and keep them out of stored fabrics, but the smell is overpowering. After storing clothes and other ...

Natural Ways to Repel Bugs in the Home

Sharing a home with bugs is not at all desirable, especially spiders, ants and moths. Not only are they revolting, but some can cause extensive damage. Chemical products that are formulated to kill pests usually work, but they have side effects that can harm people, pets, household surfaces and the environment. Whenever possible, use natural ...

Karla News

Large Green Caterpillar – Cecropia Silkmoth

Have you ever found a caterpillar and wondered what it was going to turn into? Our daughter found a large green caterpillar in her favorite tree for climbing. With a little effort, we were able to identify our large green caterpillar and learn about the Cecropia Silkmoth it will hopefully develop into. Our daughter came ...

Karla News

When a Moth Hole Suddenly Appears

Yikes! Your wool sweater just came back from the dry cleaners with a cluster of little holes right on the front. You never saw these holes before so you conclude the cleaners spilled something on your sweater. Not so fast! Before you blame anyone, step back and consider some facts. The true culprit may surprise ...

Karla News

Keep Moths Out & Protect Your Clothing!

On the surface, moths seem to be harmless little critters. Take it from me; they are not what they seem to be! Not by a long shot! They are in fact rather deceptive little creatures. Like butterflies they have very thin, delicate wings, almost like tissue paper and they do not bite nor do they ...

Invasion of the Meal Moth Larvae

It all began innocently enough. I spied a cute little caterpillar crawling up my kitchen wall last September. I escorted my little buddy out the back door, scolded him for coming inside and thought no more about it. But then I saw another caterpillar in the kitchen. A third mysteriously plopped unto the stove as ...