Articles for tag: Medical Advice, Moles, The Mole

Karla News

Moles – when to Be Concerned

What are Moles? Moles are clusters of pigmented cells that often appear as small, dark brown spots on the body. However, moles can come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Some people are born with moles while the majority will develop between 10 and 40 moles throughout life. New moles appear into ...

Karla News

Is it a Freckle, Mole or Skin Cancer?

Wondering if that strange spot on your skin is a freckle, mole, or a form of skin cancer? There are ways to tell. Most people don’t really pay much attention to their skin, especially those segments that we can’t see easily. Those that are in a high risk group for skin cancer should consider full ...

Karla News

Mole Removal Techniques and Procedures

In the past, moles were considered a special gift from God. People would even predict the future based on the location of a mole. Nowadays, moles aren’t viewed so kindly as before. Moles are considered ‘beauty marks’ in certain instances, such as the mole that model Cindy Crawford unashamedly flaunts on her face. In general ...

Karla News

Homemade Remedies to Get Rid of Pesky Moles

If you notice mounds of dirt and holes in your yard, then you probably are being invaded by pesky moles. Moles resemble mice, except they’re often dark gray in color. They also live underground where they feed on grubs and other bugs. It’s said that moles are beneficial because they aerate the ground. But they ...

How to Detect Melanoma as Early as Possible

Just how early can melanoma be detected? First of all, some exciting news: The chief reason why melanoma cells are so resistant to chemo has been discovered by researchers at UC Irvine’s Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. However, researchers are a long way off from applying this discovery to melanoma treatment. In the meantime, those ...

Karla News

Can Small, Tiny Moles Turn into Melanoma?

Do you believe a mole can never turn into melanoma as long as it’s small or tiny? If, during your monthly skin exams for cancer, you’ve decided to skip past your small, tiny little “birth marks” – you’re making a big mistake. I consulted with Neal Schultz, MD, a dermatologist with a private practice in ...

Karla News

Stoichiometry: Going from Grams to Grams

The grams to grams formula can be used for one thing: finding the number of grams of a different substance by using the grams you have given. We know this formula will do that because stoichiometry uses the laws of conservation of mass, definite proportions, and multiple proportions. Basically this all means that element A ...