Articles for tag: Molar Pregnancy, Pregnancy Books, Spontaneous Abortion, Twin Pregnancy

Karla News

What is Molar / Partial Molar Pregnancy and Why is it Dangerous?

Part I of this two article series describes molar pregnancy and the risk it presents. Part II presents one woman’s personal journey upon discovering that she had experienced a partial molar pregnancy. A molar/partial molar pregnancy is a subject that gets scant attention in pregnancy books, usually a line or two, maybe even a paragraph. ...

What is a Molar Pregnancy?

Molar pregnancies are not common. One of every 1000 pregnancies are molar pregnancies. A molar pregnancy means there is no fetus (in most cases). The problem begins with the egg rather than the sperm. Even in cases where the sperm grows normally (partial molar pregnancy) the fetus does not survive. The egg is defective and ...

Partial Molar Pregnancy: Devastating Diagnosis and Then?

This is Part II of a two-part series on molar/partial molar pregnancy. Part I explained what molar/partial molar pregnancy is and the risks it presents. Part II describes one woman’s personal journey upon discovering that she had experienced a partial molar pregnancy. The woman who is the subject of this story experienced a partial molar ...

Molar Pregnancy: Being Pregnant Without a Baby

Imagine being pregnant, the joy and excitement, and then a doctor tells you that you are not pregnant. You are carrying a molar pregnancy. The shock and disgust of feeling you were planning a future to have it ripped right from under you. A molar pregnancy? You have never heard of that, what is that? ...

Karla News

Dangers of Dong Quai in Pregnancy

Practitioners of Chinese traditional medicine, or TCM, have long recommended dong quai (Chinese angelica) as a catch-all solution to women’s health problems. Midwives in ancient China believed that dong quai was helpful during all stages of pregnancy. According to tradition, it could improve the female sex drive, enhance fertility, ease pregnancy-related discomforts, prevent preterm labor, ...

Causes of a Complete Molar Pregnancy

A complete molar pregnancy is a pregnancy in which no fetus forms because of a lack of maternal genetic material at conception. When the sperm from the male enters the egg from the female, instead of the genetic material from both parents fusing together, the sperm instead reproduces it’s own genetic material because of the ...