Articles for tag: Dred Scott, James Buchanan, Missouri Compromise

Karla News

Dred Scott V. Sandford and Its Significance

In 1857 a landmark case in American history before the American Civil War took place. Dred Scott was a slave who was raised in a slave state by his owner and then moved to a free state. After his owner’s death, Dred Scott sued for the freedom of both he and his wife. Scott based ...

Karla News

The Crittenden Compromise

On December 18, 1860, a man by the name of John Jordan Crittenden approached the House of Representatives and Senate with a proposal, which had previously failed, that would lead to the Civil War. This Compromise, the Crittenden Compromise, was an attempt to preserve slavery and the Union itself that was being threaten by secession. ...

Karla News

The Effects of Dred Scott V. Sanford

The Dred Scott case was a very influential case during the 1800’s that created much domestic disturbance. The case is known as Dred Scott v. Sanford, and it took place in 1857. It was a Supreme Court case, with Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, that involved the freedom of a slave Dred Scott. Scott argued ...

Karla News

Ken Burns’ America: the Congress (1988)

Historian David McCullough is the narrator of this splendid piece on the Congress of the United States. He has the help throughout of interjections by Cokie Roberts, Charles McDowell, David Broder and Alistair Cooke, all experts in their field and in their knowledge of Congress. Congress is the Legislative branch of government consisting of 100 ...

Karla News

Abraham Lincoln Before His Presidency

In 1837, Lincoln moved to Springfield and began to practice law. He was re-elected four times as representative to the Board of Illinois. He then aspired to become representative of the Illinois House of Representatives in Washington. He was elected in 1846 and sits to the end of 1847. In Washington, he opposed the war ...

Karla News

True Facts About the American Civil War

The bloodiest war in American History was the Civil War (1861-1865). It is widely known as The Brother’s War’. During its four year term, over 620,000 solders were killed or missing in action, and countless others were left maimed with rope burns, severed limbs, swamp rot, and many other various ailments. The total Northern and ...