Articles for tag: Healthy Cereals, Kashi, Milk Allergies

Product Review: Kashi Granola Cereal Orchard Spice

Kashi Foods have recently attempted in their ad campaign to appeal to the average person. The television advertisements feature everyday people, who just happen to like healthy food only if it tastes good. I happen to be one of those people and vary rarely does that happen – that I find something that is healthy, ...

Karla News

Foods Without Milk for People with Milk Allergies

A milk allergy is a very tough allergy to have. There are so many different foods that include milk. A milk allergy and being lactose intolerant are two very separate things. With a milk allergy, you are actually allergic to the milk protein. The milk protein is called whey and is in a lot of ...

Karla News

Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Breastfeed Your Baby

We all want the best for your babies, that’s a given. We spend hours, days and even months preparing for their arrivals. We decorate the nursery and we decide on the best diapers to use. We even think about what college they should attend long before they can take their first step. When it comes ...

Karla News

Milk Allergy Vs. Lactose Intolerance

Many people confuse milk allergies and lactose intolerance for the same problem. However, they are quite different. As should be obvious, lactose intolerance only involves lactose. Now while this is in milk, people suffering from this ailment (caused by a lack of lactase, the enzyme used to break down lactose sugars) will incur mild to ...

Karla News

Understanding Milk Allergies

A milk allergy is the body’s immune response to a protein known as ‘casein.’ Casein is most commonly found in cow’s milk, and milk allergies can also be a reaction to whey. Casein and whey are both present in cow’s milk and cow’s milk-based products such as sour cream, cultured cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. ...

Karla News

Whey Protein, Safe or Scary?

In the modern world we live in things that were once thought safe are often scientifically proven to be dangerous and downright scary. Even medications approved by the American Food and Drug administration have proven to be unsafe. This causes one to question the safety of every product one puts in one’s mouth. Whey protein ...