Articles for tag: Military History, Playing Cards, Spades

Karla News

Playing Cards in Military History

Playing cards were distributed to the military in Iraq to help in tracking down Saddam Hussein and the top members of his government. Their availability for off-duty activity would assist in acquainting the soldiers with the faces of the fugitives. A mention of playing cards has surfaced occasionally throughout history, sometimes with noteworthy results. For ...

Karla News

ENIAC – the World’s First Super Computer

The ENIAC was first developed back in 1949 and it took the world by storm. Originally, it was built to solve problems that would ordinarily take several months or years to figure out. This is why some of us use computers today but ENIAC was build with a single purpose. That purpose was to be ...

Karla News

Book Review: Ross Leckie’s Hannibal

Hannibal was among the greats of ancient military history, the equal of Caesar and surpassed only by Scipio and Alexander. It is a tragedy that a novel as poor as this bears his name. Ross Leckie’s first mistake is to try and compress Hannibal’s expansive career into a work of less than 300 pages. This ...

Karla News

Soviet Union-Japanese War, 1945:

The Soviet Union’s invasion of Japanese-controlled Manchuria in 1945 is largely a forgotten campaign in the west. In our history books, the defeat of Japan at the end of World War II is attributed to the United States, its close allies, and the use of the atomic bomb. What we overlook is that the Soviet’s ...