Articles for tag: Double Indemnity, Mildred Pierce

Elusive Portrayals of Women in Film Noir

The majority of the world’s countries were at war. Virtually all countries that participated in World War I were involved in World War II. This global conflict incorporated new social realities in America. Headlines appeared: “16,000,000 Women; What Will Happen After?” asked the New York Times Magazine in 1943; “Watch Out for the Women,” cautioned ...

Karla News

Famous People Who Suffered From Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care whether you are tall or short, orange or blue. No one is completely immune to this deadly disease. The pancreas is a gland behind your stomach, in front of your spleen. It produces juices that help break down food and helps in the production of hormones that regulate ...

The Mother of All Mother’s Day Quizzes

It is a Mother’s Day tradition to take your mom to brunch. It is also traditional that after the third round of mimosas, conversation gets a bit weird. Instead of enduring uncomfortable questions or even more uncomfortable silences, whip out this Mother of All Mother’s Day Quizzes and test your mom’s knowledge of motherhood. Questions: ...

Karla News

What is the Difference Between a Melodrama and a Drama?

You often hear a movie described as a melodrama, but have you ever taken the time to wonder what exactly separates a melodrama from a run of the mill, average, ordinary drama? Essentially, a melodrama is a drama in which the emotions and events are invested with a heightened sense of meaning. Almost always, a ...