Articles for tag: Metamorphoses

Karla News

Old Fort Western in Augusta, Maine: An Oft Missed Pleasure

Located on the eastern banks of the Kennebec River in Augusta, Maine off Freeway 95 (the northerly reaches of 495 and 295), Old Fort Western (Fort Western) is an Historic Site that harkens back to the French Indian, or Seven Year, War. Named after a friend of the Governor Shirley of Massachusetts, it is unique ...

Karla News

The Coolest Animated Rock and Roll Movies of All Time

As a producer of award winning (Chicago International Film Festival) animated music videos, an Animation Industry professional for thirty years and a founding member of the multimedia rock and roll band, The Tooners, I have a very special interest in animated movies that either feature or are inspired by Rock and Roll. They are few ...

Karla News

Phrase Origins: Halcyon Days

I used to think that the phrase “Halcyon days” meant the “early days” or “the days before one was experienced.” However, this usage is actually incorrect. The phrase “Halcyon days,” means “calm, peaceful days.” It turns out that the phrase is very old. The origin starts with Ovid’s Metamorphoses which was thought to be written ...