Articles for tag: Criss Angel, Extra Sensory Perception, Mentalist, Mindfreak

Karla News

NBC’s “Phenomenon” and the Uri Geller Mentalist Deception

Any show that has Uri Geller at the helm should be immediately made suspect–especially when it purports to search for legitimate mentalists who try to convince people that they have real powers. The way NBC’s promoted this new reality game show (or is it a fake magic show?)–you’re supposed to believe that judges Criss Angel ...

Karla News

“The Mentalist” – “Bloodsport” Episode

In the 1/6/11 “Bloodsport” episode of “The Mentalist” was one where an undercurrent involving Agent Rigsby continued to emerge. In fact, the mystery of the arson assertion for me began to overtake the primary episodic storyline. The reporter’s death, her father’s understandable grief and heart attack (broken heart), and the fight-fixing story line are pretty ...

Karla News

“Psych” Vs. “The Mentalist”

When The Mentalist first aired in 2008 I was excited about it. My thinking was “Finally! A crime show that gives the viewer clues to figure out for themselves!” And Simon Baker to boot! If ever there was an Aussie who could turn people’s heads, he’s definitely the man. Okay, so is Alex O’Laughlin, but ...

Karla News

‘The Mentalist’ Top Three Red John Episodes

The hit CBS show “The Mentalist” is an interesting adaptation to a traditional procedural crime drama. The main character Patrick Jane, played by Simon Baker, is a writer who uses the interesting stories behind each criminal investigations as inspiration for his writing. What started out to be a simple hobby has now turned into a ...

Karla News

“The Mentalist” Fan Theories

November 18th Episode Spoiler “Red Moon” is the next upcoming episode of The Mentalist. This episode is directed by the star of the series, Simon Baker. A local astrologer, Ellis Mars, joins up with Patrick Jane solve a triple murder involving two policemen and an EMT’s fiancé. The secret buzz on the spoiler forums is ...

Karla News

Fun Facts About Criss Angel, Star of Criss Angel Mindfreak

Millions of people were introduced to the astounding feats of Criss Angel through his tremendously popular television show, Criss Angel Mindfreak. Performing a mix of illusions with dangerous stunts, Criss Angel had his viewers hooked with his skill and seemingly endless courage. In addition to his fascinating illusions and magic tricks, Criss Angel is a ...

Karla News

The Mentalist Characters

The Mentalist is a unique show. The main character is an ex-conman, who uses his abilities to solve major crimes. Patrick Jane is The Mentalist. He is a consultant to the California Bureau of Investigation. Jane aggravates the cops with his antics, but always proves successful. Jane wants to avenge the loss of his wife ...