Articles for tag: Bacterial Meningitis, Meningitis, Viral Meningitis

Karla News

How to Cure Meningitis in a Newborn

How to Cure Meningitis in a Newborn You’ve just had a newborn baby and you bring her home from the hospital and find that your baby is coughing a lot and seems to have a fever. Other symptoms of meningitis may be gasping or rapid breathing, refusing to eat, vomiting, rash, a pale coloring, sleeping ...

Viral Infection Headaches and Meningitis

While many types of virus such as the common cold and flu can cause headaches, meningitis is one viral infection that people fear the most. Meningitis is an dangerous infection in the membrane surrounding the brain. Infections of this type mostly cause inflammation that places pressure on the nerves, bringing on severe headaches. Other symptoms ...

How to Detect Symptoms of Meningitis in Your Child

Not only is meningitis potentially lethal, but it is also difficult to diagnose. Many people die each year before their doctor insists they have something else; when meningitis goes untreated, it won’t simply disappear on its own. This is why it is so important to keep a watchful eye on your children. Your doctor won’t ...

Causes of Blood Poisoning

The causes of blood poisoning are many. My article will give you an overview on some of the common causes and symptoms with the various disorders. What you need to understand is that blood poisoning can come from urinary tract infections, abdominal infections, infections in the lungs or in the bones. So thinking about this ...

Karla News

Meningitis; Bacterial Versus Viral Infections in Children

Throughout the school year there looms a common health concern among health care professionals, parents and educators; efficient identification of meningitis and the method by which to control an outbreak. Because bacterial and viral meningitis symptoms so commonly reflect that of the common flu, many children with either form of meningitis continue to attend school ...

Karla News

Natural Treatments for Viral Meningitis

There are many natural treatments for viral meningitis that can be used to soothe the symptoms associated with this condition at home, once a physician has been seen. Meningitis is a type of infection. When it occurs in an individual, it is found to affect the area of the spinal cord, as well as the ...

Causes of Spinal Meningitis

Spinal Meningitis is very serious and potentially deadly. It always requires hospitalization time to get well, if it is of the bacterial type. The two types of spinal meningitis which are either bacterial type or the viral type. The viral type, though serious, does not present as much of a threat as bacterial types of ...

Walking Pneumonia, Encephalitis, Meningitis, Mycoplasma

With the report of a possible case of meningitis this past Wednesday following closely on the heels of three cases of encephalitis, one resulting in the death of a second grader, Rhode Island has attempted to stave off the spread of what ever may be causing the outbreak by closing schools in the affected areas. ...

Guide to Meningitis in Dogs

As with humans Meningitis can be a very serious condition in dogs. It can come on quite suddenly and in severe cases become fatal. I unfortunately lost my three year old dog to it. However, in many other cases a speedy diagnosis will include a rapid treatment plan. The swift rate in which the treatment ...

Nosocomial Bacterial Meningitis

Nosocomial Bacterial Meningitis Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine ran an interesting article reviewing nosocomial bacterial meningitis, or bacterial meningitis caused by a hospital intervention such as brain surgery. As microbial resistance becomes more common, it is ever more important to consider a nosocomial source for an infection in a hospitalized patient, or a ...