Articles for tag: German Measles, Measles, Rheumatic Fever, Scarlet Fever, Tonsillitis

Types and Causes of Fever

Almost everyone is familiar with the uncomfortable sensations brought about by a high temperature or fever. In small children, fever can give rise to fibrile convulsion but mostly results are less severe. A raised temperature is a symptom of many common illnesses. For any fever that persists medical attention should be sought. Causes The commonest ...

MMR Vaccine Ingredients

The following information also pertains to the MR-Vax, the measles and Rubella vaccine, also manufactured by Merck. The MRVax does not contain the Mumps virus. MMR or Measles, Mumps, Rubella is the vaccine produced by Merck, makers of Vioxx and Gardasil. MMR vaccine ingredients include measles, mumps, rubella live virus, the antibiotic neomycin, the chemical ...

Karla News

A Beginner’s Guide to the Measles

Red measles (rubeola, sarampión) hasn’t been widely seen for over a generation because the vaccine introduced in 1963 and the improved vaccines introduced over the next 46 years brought the number of cases in the USA to near zero. The current generation of parents has no direct experience with measles and may learn the hard ...

Roseola: Viral Infection Often Confused with Measles

As a mildly contagious virus, roseola, also known as the Three Day Fever, is becoming increasingly prevalent among toddlers and children attending day care, pre-school and, in rare cases, primary education. Without significant heath complications, roseola, at its worst, is a nuisance to parents in that it results in loss days from work and loss ...