Articles for tag: Matthew Lillard, Tyler Durden

Karla News

Movie Quotes and Theories of Evolution and Anarchy

Teenagers and young adults love anarchy as much as they fear it. Struggling against the status quo is a major part of that age, and movies that represent those new ideals play a major role in the lives of people of that age. When I was in college, much like people I know in college ...

Karla News

Interview: Matthew Lillard Talks Fat Kid Rules the World

Teenagers often struggle with numerous obstacles throughout high school, from not fitting in with their peers to struggling with their body images and how they perceive themselves. That’s certainly the case with the main character, Troy Billings, in the new comedy ‘Fat Kid Rules the World,’ which is now playing in select theaters in New ...

Karla News

Best Movie Soundtracks of the 1980’s and 1990’s

Anyone who has ever watched a movie knows how important the soundtrack is, and how it can totally make a movie. I am talking about the actual songs not the movies musical score. A movies songs can set the mood and make the movie unforgettable. Maybe it is since I grew up in the 1980’s ...

Karla News

Casting the Imaginary Remake of 1982’s ‘Cat People’

Ever so often, in the spirit of the Movie Remake Revolution, I like to imagine what it might be like for one of my favorite films to be remade on the big screen. Case in point: a little daydreaming I once did about “The Wiz.” In this instance, the movie in question is the 1982 ...