Articles for tag: Brave New World, Extra Sensory Perception, Matthew Arnold

Karla News

Aldous Huxley’s Life Experience in Themes

“In Aldous Huxley’s veins flowed the blood of Matthew Arnold and of Thomas Henry Huxley. From both he drew something. Arnold had bequeathed to him a sensitive imagination soaked in the culture of the past, Huxley an adventurous scientific curiosity disciplined by a stern regard for truth” (qtd. in Huxley, Julian 13-14). Combining himself in ...

Karla News

An Analysis of Literature During the Victorian Age of Great Britain

Victorian Age Literature Victoria became queen of Great Britain in 1837. Her reign, the longest in English history, lasted until 1901. This period is called the Victorian Age. During the Victorian Age, great economic, social, and political changes occurred in Britain. The British Empire reached its height and covered about a quarter of the Earth. ...

Karla News

Symbolism in Tennessee Williams’ Play The Glass Menagerie

Matthew Arnold suggests that, “The pursuit of perfection, is the pursuit of sweetness and light.” In many ways, this is exactly what the characters of The Glass Menagerie are looking for in the play- perfection. They look for it in their future, as they search for a way to find security and hope. They find ...

Karla News

Matthew Arnold’s “Dover Beach”

In the Victorian age, Skepticism was wide-spread. Value systems turned topsy-turvy in the Victorian age. Religious conservatism was waging a desperate crusade against Darwinism and Utilitarianism. Arnold was emotionally attached to the old world, but intellectually inclined towards the new one. His poems reveal the picture of a sick patient in a sick society. “Dover ...

Karla News

Review of Matthew Arnold’s Dover Beach

The idea in a poem serves as the thread holding together the entire structure. While it is not always apparent, much as a thread, it continues to serve its purpose. The idea in Dover Beach is the theme of hope. Arnold uses imagery to convey his meaning, and it is used very effectively. The poem ...

Karla News

Chiasmus: Rhetorical Balance

Chiasmus is a type of rhetorical balance in which the second of two parallel phrases or clauses reverses the order of the syntactic elements in the first. Skillfully used, it can produce a successful dramatic or oratorical effect, as in many passages in the Bible and in other great literature. A simple example of chiasmus ...