Articles for tag: 100th Day of School, Math Problems

Karla News

100th Day School Activities

Reaching the 100th day of school is a big milestone for both teachers and students. It’s a particularly big event for younger students. A lot of these school students are still learning how to count to 100, so reaching the 100th day of school should be a day full of fun activities and celebration. Celebrating ...

Karla News

How to Design Your Own Math Worksheets

Many children can benefit from extra math help. Designing your own math worksheets can provide this extra practice and instruction. When designing a math worksheet, you must take into account the type of math, how many problems, how the worksheet will be done, and how to make it fun. This article will cover these tips ...

Karla News

How to Teach Children Basic Math

How to Teach Children Basic Math By LilyMany of our young children today are struggle with mathematics in grade school. Math seems to be too hard for these children and they can’t seem to get how to work basic numbers properly in order to solve math problems and equations. Other children think the math they ...