Articles for tag: First Marathon, Marathon Training, Running a Marathon, Training for a Marathon

What it Takes to Train for a Marathon

Training and preparations for a marathon can be a daunting task. Many questions can arise. There are common questions when running a marathon for the first time. Some of those questions are how long is a marathon, when the best time is to start training for a marathon, and which type of training produces the ...

Karla News

A Guide to Michigan Marathons

The modern marathon was conceived as a race for the 1896 Olympics in Athens. Comprising 26.2 miles, marathons are held in virtually every terrain imaginable. Here in Michigan we have some of the top marathons in the country. Some Michigan marathons can even qualify a runner for other larger marathons, such as the Boston Marathon. ...

Karla News

Marathon Training Apps for the iPhone

As most people already know, the iPhone is known to have thousands and thousands of applications. There is pretty much an application for anything that you might need. If you are a marathon runner, and are curious if there is an iPhone application that acts as a personal assistant to your training, there are actually ...

Karla News

Beginner Marathon Training Plans

Do you have dreams of running a marathon? Have you been running for awhile and wish to take your training to the next level? Here are several marathon training plans that you can find online to choose from. Remember to listen to your body and take plenty of time to rest and recover throughout your ...

Karla News

Training for Your First Super Marathon

A super marathon is a trail race or road race that is about 100 miles long. It is what is known as a super endurance race. These races are not for the weak bodied or minded. In order to complete one of these super races you need to prepare both your mind and body for ...

Karla News

Review of Hal Higdon’s “Run Fast” Book

The book Run Fast: How to Defeat Your very best Time- On every occasion by Hal Higdon is undoubtedly an helpful publication stuffed with quotes that stem from Higdon’s practical experience being a runner. That said, it is not the most effective book for professional marathon runners, but when you’re a novice or intermediate runner ...