Articles for tag: Frank Buonanotte, Manuka Honey, Treating Eczema

Medical Uses for Manuka Honey

Honeymark International has developed a niche in the OTC health care products market by using a natural ingredient that has more healing power than pharmaceuticals and traditional forms of medicine. Manuka Honey is Honeymark’s secret weapon and it seems to be working. Their products are getting great results even in cases where nothing else has ...

How to Treat MRSA and Staph Infections

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a type of bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics, such as methicillin and other common antibiotics such as oxacillin, penicillin and amoxicillin. MRSA is usually transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact or contact with shared items or surfaces that have come into contact with someone else’s infection, such as towels ...

Karla News

An Introduction to Different Types of Honey

The next you purchase honey in a supermarket or grocery, pay close attention to the labels. You may notice that some of the brands mention different flowers, such as clover, orange blossom, and sourwood. You may not have realized this before, but the taste and color of honey can vary greatly depending upon what source ...

Karla News

Dead Sea Mud Mask with Manuka Honey

It is easy to wonder if Dead Sea mud is nothing more than an expensive type of regular, ordinary mud. However, it’s important to know that it is most definitely not the same. In fact, regular mud is dirty, unsanitary and contains high levels of toxins, such as lead and bacteria, which can have a ...

Don’t Be Fooled by Cheap Manuka Honey

Most people are familiar with honey’s ability to heal. In the old days, doctors used honey to treat wounds when other dressings weren’t available and grandmothers have been healing sore throats with honey for ages. Honey derived from the Manuka plant, indigenous to New Zealand, seems to have far more healing properties than other types ...

Karla News

Himalayan Bath Salt with Manuka Honey

There is a significant difference between table salt and Himalayan salt. Ordinary table salt predominantly consists of sodium chloride. When salt is dried, most of the trace elements that the body needs is eliminated, leaving a mineral that isn’t particularly beneficial. However, Himalayan salt is a pure and totally natural mineral salt containing up to ...