Articles for tag: Infertility Treatments, Male Fertility

7 Natural Rememdies for Female Infertility

Infertility is a problem that plagues millions of women worldwide, and has mystified mankind since the beginning of time. Throughout history there have been references to many rituals, medicines, and herbs used in attempts to improve fertility. Even today, with our great advancements in medicine and understanding of the human body, very little is actually ...

Male Infertility: How to Test Male Fertility

Generally the woman is checked first to see if her reproductive system is the cause of the couple’s infertility issues. Once the results come in and show that the woman is very fertile, then that means it is now time for the man to be tested. His first thought will probably be “how are they ...

Increasing Your Chances of Conception

I would like to share some very helpful bits of advice for those trying to increase their chances of conception. All tips are from my own research and experience and/or direct advice from Ann Lynn Jaspen, Certified Nurse Midwife (who happened to deliver my own, two healthy babies). The five days prior to the day ...

Karla News

Male Fertility Testing

Often couples experience problems when trying to make a baby that calls for medical action just to see if there are any problems. Most often the male is the one to undergo fertility testing first since male fertility testing is far less evasive than female fertility testing. Once the male receives a clean bill of ...

Karla News

Top 5 Foods to Boost Your Fertility

As an acupuncturist specializing in fertility, I find that one of the best and easiest ways to enhance my patient’s ability to get pregnant is through diet. In general, a whole-foods diet that incorporates as much natural and organic foods as possible is ideal. Drink plenty of water and try to reduce or eliminate your ...

Factors that Affect Male Fertility

There is no greater joy than beginning a family. For too many people, the journey to begin a family is complicated by infertility. It is estimated that 10 percent of women are infertile. Statistics on male infertility are lesser known but one can assume that half of all infertile couples are infertile because of an ...

Study on “FertilAid for Men” Confirms Research on Male Fertility Health

Fairhaven Health, located in Bellingham, Wash., announced in an Aug. 13 press release that a recent clinical study found that the company’s male fertility supplement, FertilAid for Men, supported earlier independent studies on the connection between male fertility and nutritional health, particularly antioxidants. Fairhaven Health is considered to be a specialty manufacturer of fertility-related products ...

Karla News

Predicting Ovulation When Trying to Conceive

Congratulations! You and your spouse have decided that you want to expand your family! While trying to conceive doesn’t sound like it should require too much effort, it can be a tricky and trying process for some couples. When my husband and I decided to start trying to get pregnant after years of trying not ...