Articles for tag: Baking Bread, Cinnamon Bread, Kneading, Making Bread, Pizza Parlors

Karla News

Secrets of Yeast Baking and Pizza Dough

The secret to good dough, whether for baking bread, rolls or pizza, lies in the yeast. Take care of your yeast, and it will take care of you. Even if you are making bread machine bread, it pays to understand what the little microorganisms are doing, and what helps them do their job better. Freshness ...

Karla News

Health Benefits of Sourdough Bread

Why isn’t bread good for us? The high glycemic index of traditional white bread, in addition to causing blood sugar fluctuation, has been found to increase heart disease risk for women. Commercial yeast bread may also contain bromides that are bad for the thyroid and are carcinogenic. Grains in breads made with baker’s yeast are ...

Karla News

Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish

This article is one of a series called Spanish Tidbits for Beginners. Readers need a general working vocabulary base, as these lessons focus on specific grammar content. The indirect object receives the action of the direct object. In English, John sends the letter to Paul, Paul is the indirect object receiving the action of the ...