Articles for tag: 1800's, Lewis Carroll, Mad Hatter

Karla News

What Made the Mad Hatter Mad?

The inappropriately overdressed, wild eyed and wild haired, riddle speaking, unbirthday celebrating, tea drinking mad hatter. The mad hatter is a term that came about before Alice in Wonderland ever existed, but the character was made famous by Lewis Carroll. My first small sculpture I made in high school was of the mad hatter. He ...

Karla News

Host Your Own Mad Hatter Tea Party

If you are familiar with the story of Alice in Wonderland you know of the Mad Hatter and his tea party. How about celebrating the recent release of Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland (see Movie Review: Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland Makes Weirdness Fun and Great for Families), by hosting your own Mad Hatter tea ...

Karla News

A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party Bridal Shower

My twenty-three year old niece is marrying in October of this year. I decided to give her a bridal shower and thought a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party as in Alive in Wonderland would be a great theme for the party. I gave the party on a Sunday afternoon, and sent the invitations out about three ...

Karla News

Why is the Mad Hatter Mad?

Lewis Carroll’s character the Mad Hatter is perhaps one of the most memorable characters in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” The book has been around since the mid 1800s, and the scene that takes place at the mad tea-party (which introduced the hatter and included other characters such as the March Hare who were mad) is ...