Articles for tag: Lymph Nodes, Swollen, Swollen Lymph Nodes

Your Lymph Nodes

The inflammation of a lymph node is known as lymphadenitis, and it is most often the result of a bacterial infection in a wound. The swollen lymph nodes that accompany such a condition can be painful to the touch, as the lymph glands help to fight the infection. There can be red streaks that develop ...

Karla News

The Lymphadenopathy of Lymph Nodes

Lymphadenopathy: Localized, generalized, and persistent generalized Lymphadenopathies are diseases of swollen or enlarged lymph nodes, that may be caused by infections, malignancies, or auto-immune diseases, when an organ in the body fails to recognize its own parts and allows immune responses against its cells and tissues, such as Diabetes Mellitus Type I or Rheumatoid Arthritis. ...

Karla News

Burkitt’s Lymphoma: Signs, Symptoms, and Cures

There are so many rare diseases out there, but if you’re a person who has it or thinks they may have it, it isn’t so rare anymore. Such as Burkitt’s lymphoma. Burkitt’s Lymphoma is a rare form of cancer which is classified under non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, meaning, the lymphoma is found within the lymph nodes or ...

Karla News

Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Silent, but Deadly

Your breasts are red and inflamed, they itch like crazy, and your nipples have become slightly inverted. You pass it off as a rash or bug bites and don’t give it another thought after applying a topical cream for pesky skin irritations. Unfortunately many women have shared this thought process and it has cost them ...

Karla News

Lymphoma in Dogs

Lymphoma or Lymphosarcoma is a common cancer in older dogs. It is an aggressive an malignant cancer that spreads quickly and has a high mortality rate if left untreated. Lymphoma usually strikes dogs between the ages of five and nine years, but any dog may come down with lymphoma. What is Lymphoma Lymphoma is the ...

Karla News

My Mother’s Battle with Sarcoidosis

My cousin died from complications from sarcoidosis a few years ago. It’s the same disease that took the life of actor/ comedian Bernie Mac. Unfortunately last summer my mother was diagnosed with sarcoidosis and congestive heart failure. At first the doctors thought my mother had lung disease, because she smoked for many years. Sarcoidosis (sar”koi-do’sis) ...