Articles for tag: Count Dracula, Lycanthropy

Karla News

The Truth Behind Frankenstein, Dracula. the Werewolf and the Boogie Man

October is the time for ghouls, goblins and all other paranormal and legendary phenomena that go ‘bump’ in the night. Have you ever wondered if there was any truth to all the spooky characters, legends and places you’ve been afraid of since forever? After a little digging, here’s a bit of fictional facts about some ...

Karla News

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Dawnguard DLC Gameplay Is Worth Every Penny

Bethesda’s first Skyrim DLC, Dawnguard is an incredible and enthralling addition to the newest Elder Scrolls game. Elder Scrolls fans have been waiting for some new Skyrim content from Bethesda since the games opening release on Friday, November 11, 2011. That was over eight months ago and people are still playing Skyrim, the single player, ...

Karla News

Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Series Targeted for Women But Guy-Friendly

Guys, has this happened to you? You’re browsing the book shelf, probably in the “horror” or “sci-fi/fantasy” section of your local bookstore, and your eye catches on a cover that is graced by a beautiful, semi-naked woman. Intrigued, you pick the book up, but as soon as you see the words “beautiful vampire” or “lust ...

Karla News

Werewolves: History of the Legends

The werewolf, at its most basic, is a man that can change into a wolf. The wolf is often vicious, possessed of human cunning with the strength, speed and killing potential of a savage predator. Werewolves, generally, are tougher than regular wolves and they may have to be killed by special means. However, beyond these ...

Karla News

Lycanthropic Disorder

In the werewolf legend, it is said that a man shifts into a wolf-like creature either by magic, curse or more reasonably, disease. Lycanthropic Disorder, Hypertrichosis, and Therianthropy are all disease that can give a person the physical and mental appearance of a werewolf. Most people do not believe in this mythological and folkloric legend, ...

Karla News

A MonsterQuest Look at American Werewolf

Wisconsin has been the location of over 200 sightings of a half-man half-animal creature known as the Dogman. Eyewitnesses have seen three different varieties of this Dogman with reports of a wolf-like creature, bear-like creature and a Bigfoot-like creature. Dogman eyewitnesses report that the creature is between six and eight feet tall, fur covered with ...

Karla News

Myths & Legends: The Curse of the Werewolf

Human beings have always had a fascination with the werewolf. They have been the subject of literature, television shows, and movies. They have been romanticized, criticized, vilified, and pitied for hundreds of years. But do they really exist? Most of us would automatically answer “of course not. They are fictional characters meant to entertain and ...