Articles for tag: Caring for Bamboo Plants, Caring for Lucky Bamboo, Lucky Bamboo Plants

Karla News

Planning a Kung Fu Panda Theme Birthday Party

Black and white and cute all over! Here are some cheap ways to plan a Kung Fu Panda theme birthday party. Here are some ideas for creating a Kung Fu Panda theme with crafts, food, the games, the decorations, and party favors. Kung Fu Panda Birthday Party Games Create a Kung Fu Panda treasure hunt. ...

Karla News

Creative Wedding Centerpieces

Though they won’t be the full center of attention, the decorations that adorn the center of the guests’ tables at a wedding deserve quite a bit of careful contemplation. Traditional wedding centerpieces often revolve around floral arrangements, though the modern era welcomes inventive and contemporary styles. Unleash your creativity and open your mind to new ...

How to Use Water Beads

Water beads are little mystery balls that expand enormously when soaked in water, and they feel as unique as they look. People often draw their hand back when touching them for the first time since they feel nothing like they appear. They are soft, cool and very slippery. When water beads are hydrated they make ...

Karla News

Easy Low Light Houseplants

Many people enjoy keeping houseplants, but get discouraged because not every room has the advantage of being bright and sunny. There is a solution for this dilemma in the form of plants that are tolerant or even thrive in low light conditions. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, such as vines and ...

Karla News

How to Propagate the Lucky Bamboo Houseplant

Where Do You Start? The lucky bamboo plant can be found in plant sections of most department stores and plant nurseries. They are usually tied in a cluster of several plants siting in a small amount of water that keeps the plants alive. They do not require special lighting, but do thrive on plenty of ...