Articles for tag: Bowel Obstruction, Lead Poisoning, Low Iron, Pica, Premature Labor

Pica: What it Can Mean During Pregnancy

It is often common for pregnant women to talk about what they are craving to eat during their pregnancy with everything from sweets to salty and sour foods such as pickles. However, some women begin to have strange cravings for things that one would normally never consider consuming. These cravings can include things such as ...

Karla News

Good Sources of Iron for Toddlers

When your toddler was a baby you probably didn’t worry much about iron intake. Babies are born with a good six months worth of iron stored up in their bodies, and they continue getting iron from breast milk or formula. Once your child makes the transition to a diet consisting of mostly solid foods, it ...

Healing Anemia Naturally

Anemia is ultimately a lack of hemoglobin – the molecule found in the blood that carries oxygen throughout the different systems of the body and then releases it for cell use. There are many causes of anemia, but the most common, and most treatable is an iron-deficiency. Iron-deficiency is due to a lack of iron, ...

Karla News

Eggplant and Its Many Health Benefits

Eggplant is a meaty berry fruit native to India. It contains many health benefits that can help protect the body from many health conditions naturally. Many vegetarians use eggplants in their meals to make them heartier and filling. What is Eggplant? Eggplant has a deep dark purplish skin that can sometimes be orange, reddish and ...

Karla News

Thinning Hair Prevention for Women

Are you staring at the drain in your shower, wondering where all that hair came from? Are you looking at a brush or comb filled with hair? Hair grows from follicles in your scalp and you are born with all the follicles you will have; no new ones will be generated. It is normal for ...

Nausea During Labor – Causes and Cures

Pregnancy can be a wonderful time in a woman’s life filled with excitement and great expectations but labor can be another story altogether. Yes, labor can be uncomfortable to say the least. One labor affliction many women must deal with is nausea and sometimes even vomiting. Many things can cause nausea during labor. Nausea is ...

Karla News

The Anatomy of Our Blood: What it is and What it Does

Three basic parts constitute the red fluid we know as blood. They are white blood cells, red blood cells and plasma. Plasma, of which there is about one gallon in the human body, is the salty, straw-colored fluid that white and red blood cells, various nutrients, oxygen and hormones are transported in while on their ...

Karla News

Natural Ways to Boost Energy Level

Trying to juggle work, school, and family has taken its toll on everyone, and by the end of the day, most people are physically and emotionally zapped. Unfortunately, leading a hectic life has become a natural part of life, thus, many people cannot afford to be tired. Of course, boosting our energy level is easier ...

What is the RDA for Iron Intake?

Workouts Wearing You Down? Physical activity is essential for good health. It keeps the muscles in shape, boosts your mood and stamina, and helps you lose weight. But is there a time when a good thing can actually leave you feeling tired, fatigued and weak? If you feel wiped out instead of invigorated by physical ...

What Are the Symptoms of Low Iron?

Low iron stores and iron deficiency anemia are a common problem – particularly among pre-menopausal women who lose iron regularly through menstrual bleeding. Low iron levels are much less common in healthy men and post-menopausal women. In fact, when low iron levels are found in men and older women, it’s important know why since it ...