Articles for tag: Appetite Control, Chasteberry, Herbal Supplements, Hirsutism, Low Glycemic Diet

Karla News

Different Diets for Seizure Control

A seizure is the result of changes in the electrical activity in the brain, with symptoms that range from rapid blinking or staring to losing consciousness. A seizure can last a few seconds or several minutes. If you have suffered two or more seizures that can’t be explained by other medical conditions, you will be ...

Karla News

Understanding Low Glycemic Diet and High Glycemic Foods

Following a low glycemic diet and avoiding high glycemic foods is one way to try and control blood sugar with diet. People trying to lose weight may benefit from a diet of low glycemic foods because keeping blood sugar steady is one way to avoid excessive hunger. In common terms, this is sometimes referred to ...

A Low Glycemic Diet Touted by Oprah’s Show

When Oprah Winfrey speaks everyone listens, or even when her gynecologist speaks everyone listens. On January 17, 2008 Oprah show, Dr. Christiane Northrup stated that a high glycemic diet could cause a hormonal imbalance in women that could cause hair loss and that a low glycemic diet would help, but what is a low glycemic ...