Articles for tag: Cholesterol Levels, Low Cholesterol, Unhealthy Diet

Can Your Cholesterol Be Too Low?

American’s are cholesterol obsessed and for good reason. The importance of lowering “bad” cholesterol levels, or LDL’s, and raising the “good” cholesterol, HDL, to reduce the risk of heart disease has been demonstrated in numerous studies. While many people struggle to get their cholesterol level down into the normal range, there seem to be a ...

Karla News

Top 10 Low Cholesterol Foods

Are you struggling with your cholesterol and do not know what to eat? Do not worry. You can eat plenty once you know what you can eat. Here is a helpful guide for making sure that you eat low cholesterol foods: Fresh Fruits. According to, you want to skip the juice and choose fresh ...

Karla News

High and Low Cholesterol During Pregnancy Leads to Premature Birth

A recently published study, conducted by the National Institute of Health’s National Human Genome Research Institute indicates high and low cholesterol levels in pregnant women tend to lead to premature births. According to the National Institute of Health, previous studies have indicated that high cholesterol in pregnant women tends to lead to premature births of ...