Articles for tag: Gothic Architecture, Louis Xiv, Louvre, The Louvre

Karla News

The Church of St-Germain L’Auxerrois, Paris

St-Germain l’Auxerrois is a gothic jewel in the heart of Paris that seems practically forgotten by tourists. Its dark and solemn interior make it a perfect place to escape the heat and crowds of a Parisian summer, or to take a break between museums. This church was once the Chapel of the Louvre, when that ...

Karla News

The Real Mona Lisa: It May Not Be Hanging in the Louvre

The DaVinci Code has produced more than its fair share of controversy. From the suggestion that Jesus produced offspring to the mysteries of the Catholic sect Opus Dei, the book and movie contain enough information to polarize entire nations. One of the controversies of the book – yet another controversy not originated by author Dan ...

Karla News

The History of the Louvre in Paris, France

The Louvre in Paris, France has a long, rich history. Throughout its existence, the Louvre has been transformed into one of the most beautiful and historic pieces of architecture in the world. Today it also has the status of being one of the world’s largest museums. Because of the beauty of this building and the ...