Articles for tag: Hearing Loss, Kidney Disease, Loss of Hearing

Can Kidney Disease Cause Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss (presbycusis) is fairly common among people over the age of 50. Studies have indicated that age and kidney disease are two factors that can influence hearing loss. One study indicated that some degree of hearing loss was associated with 54 percent of people with moderate kidney disease. Of that 54 percent, 30 percent ...

The Truth Behind Common Old Wives’ Tales

Old wives’ tales have been around for many generations. They are still passed from mother to child, and then to their children’s children. If people didn’t believe that there was some truth to them, then perhaps they would not keep passing them on. Old wives’ tales are just wisdoms passed down from generation to generation ...

Karla News

Living with Meniere’s Disease

I have Meniere’s disease. So do over 600,000 other individuals in the United States alone. Many have it and do not even realize it. The cause is unknown; hence there is no cure at this time. I will have it for the rest of my life, although it is not fatal. It comes and goes, ...

Karla News

Types of Hearing Tests

Simple tests Two ways of roughly assessing a person’s ability to hear are with the use of a watch, or by the ‘whisper test’. In the former, a ticking watch is held behind the patient and move progressively closer to the ear. The patient signals when it is first audible. The person holding the watch ...