Articles for tag: Body Scrubs, Cashmere Sweaters, Loofah, Salt Scrub

Karla News

The Top 5 Body Exfoliants and Scrubs for Fall

As fall arrives and the humid summer sun becomes dry, skin becomes needy and nags us for attention. All of a sudden, it becomes intensely clear that our skin is looking for a change in wardrobe just as much as the rest of us by not-so-casually peeling and dehydrating. This potentially catastrophic episode is skin’s ...

Karla News

Razor Bumps? Irritated Skin? Ingrown Hair?

Have you ever had a razor burn that caused bumps on your face or neck? Also common are ingrown hairs which keep growing even though they’re underneath the skin! I have a sure fire (maybe) answer to the problem. Everyone’s skin is different but I think you’ll want to give this a try. The first ...

Karla News

Tips for Treating Boils

Boils appear on the skin as red pus-filled lumps, very tender to the touch. Caused by the Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria collecting around a hair follicle, a boil can be very painful and is very contagious. Boils are more frequent during times of stress, illness, as a result of an allergic reaction or at times of ...

Karla News

Weird Foods: Loofahs Not Just for Bathing

Loofah is known for its cleansing properties and is grown all around the world in warm climates, but did you know that when the loofah is picked from the vine before it matures it can be eaten? While some loofahs are better than others to eat, the ridged or angled loofah is the most widely ...