Articles for tag: Johann Sebastian Bach, Leo Tolstoy

Karla News

History’s Famous Orphans

One orphan we all know and love is Little Orphan Annie, a famous cartoon character and movie named for her. She was the cute little curly haired girl with the optimistic attitude that could belt out ‘The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow”. But are there any real people who were orphaned and became famous? Plenty! ...

Karla News

Does God Exist?

Ah, but is there any better way to inflame passions than to ask that age old question: does God exist? Blessed are those that never have doubts about their god’s existence. Woe, the agnostic that does. S/he will get caught up in middle of wild discussions between believers and atheists who are firm in their ...

Karla News

A Collection of Inspiring Spring Quotes

“The groundhog didn’t see his shadow!” That was one of the best things I heard in recent times. Ah, spring is near. It’s not just the season of beautiful crisp blue skies, warm days and balmy evenings, but on a deeper level spring signifies rebirth, renewal and hope as demonstrated in these inspiring spring quotes. ...

Karla News

The Basics of Nietzsche’s Morality

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is one of the most controversial philosophers in history. Many philosophers regard him as a top tier thinker, a more intellectually respectable Ayn Rand-type advocate of selfishness and egotism that academics don’t have to be embarrassed to admit they agree with. On the other hand there are at least as many philosophers ...

Karla News

21 Quotes on Truth

Why 21 Quotes? There are 21 quotes, for 21 days, the number of days it takes to create or break a habit. Do you want to motivate yourself to write, create or get healthy and loose weight? Do you want more peace, love, happiness, creativity, justice, or courage in our lives and world, we must ...

Karla News

Ernest Hemingway Facts and Quotes

Ernest Miller Hemingway was one of the most famous and influential novelists and short story writers of the twentieth century. He was born on the 21st of July in 1899 to a doctor, Edmonds Hemingway, and a singer, Grace Hall Hemingway. He published about 15 books during his lifetime and created his own unique and ...

Karla News

12 Famous Health Quotes

Staying mentally and physically healthy is my goal in life. I have realized without great health you really can’t accomplish anything else. So I am always finding and learning new ways to stay mentally and physically healthy. If you have been reading my articles you will come to know I love reading quotes. Everyday I ...