Articles for tag: Learn Tarot, Spiritual Books, Tarot, Tarot Readings

Karla News

Learning Tarot Cards: Guide to the Minor Arcana

The biggest part of Tarot is the Minor Arcana. Four suits of cards – wands, swords, pentacles, and cups – each have 14 members numbered 1-10 and including at the end Page, Knight, Queen, and King of the suit. It is easy to see how the modern deck of playing cards was derived from this ...

Karla News

The History of Tarot Cards

The Tarot deck was created sometime around 1000 A.D. as an expansion on the original deck of 52 playing cards. It is believed that it was adopted from ancient Egyptian playing cards. The full Tarot deck is 78 cards, 21 trump cards, the fool card, and a deck of 56 cards with the court cards ...

Karla News

Tarot: Real or Not?

Tarot fascinates many. People have looked to tarot readings for guidance and direction for hundreds of years. There are many tarot decks available. There are also many spreads in which the cards can be laid out in. For example, a past, present and future reading consists of three cards. Some spreads contain ten or more ...

Karla News

Tarot Card Readers in Hartford, Connecticut

Several weeks ago, when I sat down to type articles at Tisane Euro Asian Cafe in Hartford, Connecticut, I noticed a little beehive of activity at the table situated next to the one that I was sitting at. Three women were seated at the table and one of them was the focal point of the ...