Articles for tag: Green Lake, Learn French

Karla News

French Lessons in Seattle

Would you like to learn French – I mean, really learn it? Not just have a survey class, or know a few nouns, but actually be able to construct sentences and phrases in French in a non-Neanderthal way? Maybe you took French in high school or college, and never paid attention, and would like to ...

Karla News

Five Tips to Master the French Language

“Think” in French – Yes! This is the key to mastering the French language at the very core. It even comes before French grammar. We think all the time so why not to think in French? Most of the successful French learners have found that this technique – “think in French” works like magic! At ...

Karla News

Extracurricular Activities Will Help You Get Into College

So, if you want to get into a good college, you need to be a straight A student, a world class athlete, an amazing musician, and captain of the debate team. Right? Well, not exactly. True, good grades are crucial and sports can be helpful, but colleges want a diverse student body. In other words, ...

Karla News

Mets’, Expos’ Rusty Staub: “Le Grande Orange”

Of the first fourteen players on the all-time games played list in Major League Baseball history, only three are not in the Hall of Fame-Pete Rose because of his ban from the game for gambling, Rickey Henderson because he is not yet eligible, and Rusty Staub. Nicknamed “Le Grande Orange” because of his red hair ...