Articles for tag: Leadership Training, Paint Ball, Sat Prep, Summer Camps, Valley Forge

Karla News

Leadership Styles in Business Management

Leadership requires the ability to influence a group of people to achieve a vision or goal (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Leaders challenge the status quo, create visions, and inspire employees to achieve the vision (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Leadership is about identifying the most qualified candidates with the right qualities successfully to lead groups or ...

Karla News

Cool Overnight Summer Camps in Colorado

Swimming, biking, hiking, and discovering are only a few of the fun activities associated with the summertime. Kids try to cram as much fun and adventure into this three-month period as possible, and what better way to do so than by attending a summer camp program. Summer camp can be a wonderful experience. Learning, exploring, ...

Air Force to Civilian Transition Jobs

The military provides people training and job skills that can be unmatched in the civilian life. The Air Force is no exception. I spent 10 years in the Air Force working as an aerospace propulsion technician for the most advanced cargo plane in the world, but I also spent time in special duties that allowed ...

Karla News

Becoming an Air Force Officer

The following article outlines the job duties, training involved and future prospects of taking on a career as an Air Force officer. The job: Did you know that a country’s air force is one of the armed services that are responsible for the country’s defense? The Air Force patrols and defends that country from in ...

Karla News

What is Effective Leadership?

In light of the current fact that the United States newly elected Congressional Leaders from a different party will now have to work with the President, there are some considerations to take into account when thinking of effective leadership in general. Leadership is an influence process. Leadership takes into account the ability to motivate others ...