Articles for tag: Late Period, Pregnancy Hormones

Your Natural Pregnancy: Week 7

At 7 weeks pregnant, your baby is actually only five weeks old. He or she is growing like a little weed. Your baby will not retain this amazing rate of growth for very long. Your baby is about 4mm long, but may double in size by the end of the week. He has tiny arms ...

Karla News

Five Reasons for a Late Period When You’re Not Pregnant

For many women, a late period might make them wonder if they’re pregnant, however, a woman’s period can be late or even skipped for a variety of reasons. There are many different reasons that can explain why a woman is experiencing a late or absent period. Pregnancy certainly isn’t the only thing that can delay ...

Karla News

Late Period, Negative Pregnancy Test, What Now?

Here is an interesting scenario. You have a somewhat normal period and here you are, several days late. You do what any woman would do; you buy a home pregnancy test. Now, you are wondering why your home pregnancy test is negative. Believe it or not, this is a quite common occurrence and you are ...

Late Periods: Causes and When to Worry

Can a late period be a sign of cancer? Are late periods really worrying you? Menstruation normally occurs every 21 to 35 days. After 35 days is a truly late period, and your worry is understandable. An occasional late period may start between 36 and 40-something days after the start of the last menstrual cycle. ...

Early-Pregnancy-Tests.Com: A Pleasant Experience

As a woman with health (GYN) problems, a late menstrual cycle has become the norm. However, being a newlywed and just being taken off of the birth control pill, one can never be too cautious when it comes to a late period. But, the pregnancy tests at drugstores – both online and in town – ...

Karla News

Best Ways to Get Pregnant

Throughout my six year tenure as a Family Planning Health Educator, I was confronted by many young women who were highly concerned about their inability to successfully get pregnant. I discovered that this is a common problem amongst women of child-bearing age, particularly those over the age of 35. As a result, I have decided ...

Karla News

Herbal Abortions: Safety and Effectiveness

Clinical abortion methods can be traumatizing or prohibitively expensive for the women who choose to use them. Because of this–and a common perception that they are simply “unnatural” some women opt to attempt home abortions using natural herbs, such as pennyroyal, tansy, parsley, black cohosh, and dong quai. As an herbalist and active member of ...