Articles for tag: Laparoscopy

My Experience with Laparoscopy

I thought that I would write about my account of a laparoscopy because I’ve just had one and when I tried looking it up on the internet, all I could find were the medical and health websites which tell you all about what’s supposed to happen and are very clinical, but no real life examples ...

What is Endometriosis?

What is Endometriosis? Endometriosis is a disease of the female reproductive organs and pelvic area. It affects approximately 5.5 million girls and women in the U.S., and approximately 90 million worldwide. It is most often characterized by generalized pelvic pain, increased pelvic pain before, during, and after the menstrual period, pain during and after intercourse, ...

Karla News

Preparing for a Hysterectomy or LAVH

A hysterectomy sounds scarier than it really is, but you should still take careful steps to prepare yourself for this routine surgical procedure. Since you will probably feel very nervous before surgery, making a check list and following it in the time leading up to your hysterectomy can keep your mind focused on something positive ...

Problems Associated with Tubal Ligation

A gynecologist may have told women that having tubes tied is a safe procedure but were they told about the possible side effects they may encounter as a result of the tubal ligation? In rare cases, adhesions can form at the site of the tubal coagulation. Post tubal ligation syndrome (PTLS) is a term used ...

Karla News

What is a Dermoid Cyst?

Melanie was shocked to hear her newborn son’s doctor state that the baby had a dermoid cyst. She composed herself, looked up at him and then asked, “Are you sure? My mother just had surgery for one. I thought that was a kind of ovarian cyst.” Dermoid cysts are perhaps most often associated with problems ...