Articles for tag: Architecture, Landscape Architecture

Karla News

Chicago Architecture Schools

Chicago is one of the most preferred destinations in USA for “Architecture Schools” with over 50(fifty) Universities and Schools in the Chicago area. The University of Illinois at Chicago School of Architecture and Arts School of Architecture, School of Architecture at the Illinois Institue of Technology, Columbia college Chicago. Together, offer a wide variety of ...

Monastery Gardens: Ancient Herbal Folklore

“Spreading herbs and flowerets bright, Glisten’d with the dew of night, Nor herb nor floweret glisten’d there, But was carved in the cloister-arches as fair.” -Sir Walter Scott, The Lay of the Last Minstrel, Canto II Monastic communities were designed to be largely self sufficient. The monks needed to grow all the plant material they ...

Karla News

Four Papaya Plants and How They Grew

I first learned about papaya fruit when I was living in Mexico. It was a preferred fruit dessert in the economical restaurants in which I was accustomed to eat. Carica papaya is, in fact, a native plant in southern Mexico and Central America. However, it is now cultivated elsewhere in the tropics. I now live ...

Karla News

College & Career Options for Nature Lovers

You love nature, and the thought of spending the rest of your life indoors, in an office, or behind the walls of a cubicle makes you cringe. Don’t worry, there are plenty of career opportunities which will allow you to enjoy nature. Some involve using your knowledge of the natural world, others involve working outdoors. ...

Karla News

Green Degree Programs

Pressing issues like urban sprawl and efficient energy use have resulted in an increase in “green” degrees. This trend’s focus on energy-efficient structures and environmental sustainability has resulted in an increased demand for green architects. Arizona State University’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, located in Tempe, Arizona, offers a Doctor of Philosophy in ...