Articles for tag: Car Batteries, Environmental Pollution, Landfills, Lithium Batteries

Karla News

Battery Pollution Endangers the Environment

I use up and discard about 4 batteries a week, 16 per month and almost 200 per year. You may not have thought that batteries are a major environmental pollution problem. Unfortunately they are. This problem is getting worse every year that passes since more and more of our gadgets contain batteries. Batteries are everywhere ...

Michigan: The Waste and Landfill State

Michigan is the third largest trash importer in the nation, ranking behind Virginia and Pennsylvania. While the majority of imported trash comes from Canada, Michigan also receives waste from all neighboring states and as far as New York. Michigan has become a dumping ground in the midwest.. Michigan earned this title in response to its ...

Karla News

What to Do with Your Old Cell Phone: Recycle It!

Most of us have them somewhere: discarded cell phones cluttering up the drawers. Now an integral part of American life, cell phones are replaced by the millions each year, and many of them end up in landfills. Dig out your cell phones, batteries, and chargers and consider donating them to one of these worthy causes. ...

Karla News

Do Landfills Cause Pollution?

Growing up near rural Missouri, I was used to the aromatic, though far from ambrosial, stench emanating from hog farms, cow pastures and horse barns. Thankfully, I do not notice perfume unless it is right below my nose. God knew what He was doing when He designed me. Drive by a New York landfill on ...