Articles for tag: Arthurian Legends, Avalon, King Arthur, Lancelot

Karla News

“Avalon High” Kicks Off a New King Arthur

Disney’s new movie “Avalon High” begins with a young girl preparing for her first day in a new school and ends with the return of King Arthur. The events that lead to the mystical moment of Arthur’s return challenge your expectations at every turn. Most Disney movies seem to follow a narrow Disney cookie-cutter path, ...

Karla News

Lancelot’s Role in the Death of King Arthur

Many authors of Arthurian material used the legend of King Arthur to serve their own personal purposes. For example, Chrétien uses Lancelot in “The Knight of the Cart” to show the tensions that were caused by the inability to concurrently abide by the rules of courtly love, chivalry, and Christianity. The author of The Death ...

Karla News

Comparison of The Mists of Avalon to Other King Arthur Legends

Marion Zimmer Bradley, author of The Mists of Avalon, does what no one before her has: tells the story of King Arthur from the female point of view. Her vivid recasting of the Arthurian saga presents an alternate look at the Arthurian timeline of events, transporting the reader to medieval Britain, spellbound by Morgaine, the ...

Karla News

New DVD Set Could Save “Lancelot Link’s” Home

Fans of the classic 1970s TV show Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp may be surprised to learn that the chimp that played him is still alive and living well at a chimp rescue in Los Angeles. The facility, Wildlife Waystation, needs to raise funds to renovate their facility and stay open, and they may get help ...