Articles for tag: Caesarean Section, Childbirth, Epidural, Labor Pains, Lamaze

Karla News

Lamaze Breathing for Pain Management

When we had our first child in 1988, the Lamaze method for child birthing was in full vogue. My husband and I went to several classes, pillows under our arm (the badge of Lamaze members). The classes were comfortable and intimate and the instructors encouraging. I enjoyed the laughs, the camaraderie and the kindly advice. ...

Karla News

Top Ten Toys for Babies: Birth-Six Months

Encourage the development of a baby’s skills by providing toys with high-contrst colors including black and white, various textures and soft rattles or sounds. Here are the best toys for babies up to six months old. 1. Taggies by Taggies, Inc. When you hand an infant a toy the part their tiny hands will immediately ...

Karla News

What is Lamaze Class?

Chances are when you hear the phrase “Lamaze Class” your simple mind conjures up images of pregnant women sitting around in a circle, breathing fast and pretending to push. Pop Culture, television, and other forms of entertainment have done a great job of misrepresenting what Lamaze class really is. Many men and even some women ...

Karla News

The Bradley Method Vs. Lamaze

The two most popular methods of natural pain relief during labor are the Bradley Method and Lamaze, and each has its strength and weakness at curbing pain. Speaking as someone who has tried both, I know which was much more effective in my case, though everyone is different and the other one may be more ...

Childbirth Classes in Louisville, Kentucky

Preparing for a baby’s arrival is quite an event in itself. There are so many things to get done, baby items to purchase, and then there are all the questions that new moms have concerning what exactly is going to happen during childbirth. Childbirth classes are an excellent idea for any new mom, especially first-time ...

Karla News

Top Ten Gift Ideas for Blind or Low-Vision Preschoolers

Welcome to my gift ideas list for blind or low-vision preschoolers. As the mother of a blind child, I know how difficult it can be to find the best toys that meet the needs of your child and your budget. Though all toys that I’ve listed would work for low-vision children, I’ve paid particular attention ...