Articles for tag: Affectionate, Hypoallergenic Dogs, Irish Setter, Labradors

Karla News

Ten Most Affectionate Dog Breeds

Are you thinking about adding a dog to your family? Most people will agree that an affectionate personality is a trait they look for when considering which breed is right for their family. The following ten breeds are some of the most affectionate dogs out there… The West Highland White Terrier is a small (standing ...

Karla News

Best Dogs for Families with Children

Couples often get nervous when they decide to have their first baby because some dogs are not considered good pets for families with children. If you are concerned about keeping a pet along with your new family, here are some of the best dog breeds for families with children. 1. Golden Retriever Golden retrievers are ...

Karla News

I Love Mutts: Mixed-Breed Dogs are Better Than a Purebreds

For centuries, mutts have been shunned by potential owners and kennel clubs, called mongrels, curs, tykes, and my favorite term, Heinz 57s, playing on “Fifty-Seven varieties.” While many prospective pet owners prefer the status symbol of owning a purebred dog, the benefits of mixed-breed dogs far outweigh those of purebreds. There is a stigma associated ...

Karla News

Dog Breed Basics 101 – Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever. The all American poster puppy. This breed has held it’s title as #1 most popular breed in the US for years, 18 to be exact! And rightly so! With the goofy fun loving Lab you will always have entertainment, companionship and best of all a life time of his love. This breed ...

Karla News

Facts About Labradors

Labradors are a well known breed and popular as pets as well as being used as working dogs. They come in three colours – yellow, chocolate and black and are intelligent, gentle animals. Pets Because they are not aggressive by nature, Labradors are popular as family pets. They love attention and are generally tolerant of ...

Karla News

Getting a Labrador Retriever? Consider Size, Health Issues and More

So you’re thinking about buying a Labrador Retriever, and you’re wondering how difficult is it to care for them? Well, there are some important considerations to make when it comes to buying this breed of dog. In this article, I will discuss what these considerations are. The Basics – First off, no matter what type ...

Karla News

How to Raise a Labrador Retriever Puppy

Bred to be loyal, intelligent and eager to please, Labrador retrievers were the top breed choice in the U.S. in 2009, according to the American Kennel Club. Raising a Labrador puppy can be challenging because of its cleverness, curiosity and playfulness. Show your puppy who is boss, train it not to be mouthy, teach it ...