Articles for tag: Jewish Food, Jewish Law, Kosher, Kosher Food

Karla News

The Top Kosher Restaurants in St. Louis, Missouri

Kashrut is the body of Jewish law that deals with what foods can and cannot be eaten and how these foods are prepared. “Kashrut” comes from the Hebrew root Kaf-Shin-Resh, meaning fit, proper, or correct. It is the same root of the more commonly used “kosher” which describes food that meets these standards. Sometimes the ...

Karla News

Great Rosh Hashanah Dinner Recipes

Rosh Hashanah is Hebrew. It translates to ‘beginning of the year’. It is the first day of the High Holidays. In essence it is the start of the Jewish spiritual New Year. The day is calculated by counting a 162 days from the first day of Pesach which is more commonly known as Passover. This ...

Karla News


Food prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary laws is called kosher food. Food not prepared in accordance to the Jewish dietary laws is called trief. SO WHAT ARE THE JEWISH DIETARY LAWS? According to in an article written by Giora Shimoni. These laws are derived from Biblical Laws and Rabbinical Extentions. She further states ...