Articles for tag: Bismarck, kid's rooms

Karla News

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes

Cleaning isn’t an activity most people enjoy, and these days there are more products than ever to aid in the task of cleaning. The last thing most people want to do is come home from work and clean. That’s why products such as Clorox Disinfecting Wipes are becoming increasingly popular. Cleaning wipes are easy to ...

Karla News

Creative Ways to Organize Your Home

Are you satisfied with how organized your home is? Do you wish you could find creative ways to become more organized? Just for a minute, visualize your ideal home environment. Close your eyes and walk through your house one room at a time and imagine each space as you wish it could be. Okay, back ...

Five Storage Solutions for Children’s Bedrooms

Kids´ rooms tend to get awfully messy, awfully fast. It doesn’t help that we tend to give them giant toy boxes that need to be completely emptied in order to find that elusive favorite toy! Children are short on patience and if things aren’t quick and easy to grab, they tend to just dump it ...

Karla News

Creative Ideas on Painting a Kid’s Room

Decorating a kid’s room can be the most fun room in the house to decorate. You get to be off the wall, colorful, and there are no rules. You can be as wild as you want and it actually ads to the room. Painting a kids room is no exception to this rule. I love ...

Karla News

Indoor Lighting Ideas for Kids’ Bedrooms

Finding the right indoor lighting ideas for kids rooms is all about matching the theme of your child’s bedroom. As in every other room of your home, you need to break down your light elements into tasks. Usually, with children, this means task (for reading and homework), overhead (for general use), decorative lights (just for ...

Karla News

12 Smart Uses for Old Cabinets

When you make the decision to remodel your kitchen, one contributing factor is likely to be that you want new kitchen cabinets. This leaves the question, “What should I do with my old cabinets?” Most people simply toss them to the curb or destroy them during the kitchen demolition. But there are so many ways ...

Karla News

Neutral Paint Color Palettes for Nurseries and Kids’ Rooms

If you are painting or designing a nursery without knowing the sex of the baby, or designing a kid’s room for a boy and girl, then it’s best to use neutral colors. In the past, greens or yellows were believed to be the only neutral colors to use in a nursery or playroom. Luckily today, ...

Karla News

DIY Fire Truck Decorations for Kids Rooms

My four year old recently discovered a love of fire trucks, and – along with each new interest – he and I like to find new ways to decorate his room. Cue the painting supplies, sewing machine, and repurposed items, and we now have a room full of DIY fire truck decorations that any firefighter ...

How to Make a Ton of Cash Cleaning Houses

Volumes have been written about how to make money online. Many of them are fantastic (check out Tori’s Content Producer page for proof). Despite the convenience of technology, there are still plenty of ways to make money off line, too. Today, we’ll look at one of the oldest professions known to mankind and how you ...