Articles for tag: Kernels, Popcorn, Stove Top

Karla News

How to Make Stove Top Popcorn

Warning: when making stove top popcorn following this recipe, the resulting bowl of popcorn will be full, fluffy, and even taste like popcorn. That’s right, this popcorn will have a natural popcorn taste, not the chemical fake butter taste that leaves a residue on the roof of your mouth. Stove top popcorn should be made ...

Five Easy Harvest Crafts for Kids

It’s Harvest Time! A time for celebration and ceremonies. Throughout the world there are many traditions with all centering on a time of praise for the harvesting of crops. In the US some celebrate the Harvest at Thanksgiving and others celebrate the entire fall season with festivals and corn mazes. In Britain, celebrations include singing, ...

Karla News

How to Grow Popcorn in Your Garden

Popcorn is a gardening favorite and its popped kernels make a great snack. Growing your own in your garden can be very rewarding and popcorn requires little more than basic care. Popcorn comes in many varieties and colors including white, yellow, red, black and blue. Regardless of the seed color, all popcorn pops up white ...

Karla News

How to Pop Popcorn on the Top of the Stove

I was reading a popular web site message board about saving money and the topic of popcorn came up. The general strand was about the different types of microwave popcorn and cost vs. taste. One of the messagers wrote that she was very tempted to try the “old fashioned popcorn” that you had to pop ...

Karla News

Popcorn Your Way with the Presto Power Pop

American’s are popcorn junkies. According to the United States Popcorn Board, Americans consume 54 quarts per man, woman and child each year. That’s 17 billion quarts. Approximately 70 percent of that is purchased at retail stores in both raw and popped form, and eaten at home. Most of that popcorn is now made in the ...

Karla News

Varieties of Corn & Growing Tips

When most people think of homegrown corn their mouth waters for the sugary white and yellow kernels found on cobs of sweet corn. While this is easily the most popular variety for personal vegetable gardens there is more to corn than Zea saccharata. Some varieties have different textures, starch-content, color, and of course flavor. While ...

Karla News

How to Make an Apricot Facial Scrub

Apricots are a tasty treat and they have a wonderful kernel inside the pit that, once ground up, makes a great facial scrub. Apricot scrubs can be found all over the place, from high end department stores to money saving dollar stores. The thing about the pre-made scrub is, I had a hard time finding ...