Articles for tag: Fresh Eggs, Keeping Chickens, Raising Chickens

Karla News

The Benefits of Keeping Chickens

Mankind has domesticated dogs for hunting, cats for pest-control, horses for transportation, cows for meat and dairy, and chickens for omelets. The chicken is a truly remarkable bird with many praise-worthy qualities. Here are several benefits of keeping chickens in your own back-yard. You may choose to house a few hens in a small pen, ...

Karla News

Chickens on Your Hobby Farm

Farmers have been raising chickens for centuries. Not only do they produce delicious eggs, but when matured can be used for some great meat. Chickens are fairly easy to raise, but can be very vulnerable to predators and disease. Simple shelters and feeding areas need to be constructed to house the chickens and keep them ...

Karla News

The Best Pet Chicken Breeds

As far as pets go, chickens are ones with the most advantages, they eat bugs, and provide you with food. NO, I am not suggesting you eat your beloved pet, I am referring to the eggs they will lay on a consistent basis. Roosters should be avoided as, in some breeds, they can be aggressive. ...

Karla News

Winter Draft and Ventilation in Your Chicken Coop

If this is your first winter with chickens, make sure that your coop is in a condition to protect your flock in the cold weather. The chicken is generally a hardy bird, but you can help yours adapt to the changes in temperature and keep them comfortable as the mercury dips. My hens thrived during ...

The Guinea Fowl Online Guide

American’s call them Guinea fowl, the French call them Pintade and the Italians call them Faraone. They originally came from the coast of Western Africa. Guinea fowl have been documented in Egyptian history as far back as 2400 BC. Today, Guinea fowl are kept as pets, or as free-ranging, insect eating, egg producing livestock. Guinea ...