Articles for tag: Diaper Changes, Kawaii, Sleeping Through the Night

Karla News

5 Reasons My Baby is Sleeping Through the Night

When I tell people I’m the first-time parent of a five-month-old baby, they often inquire with a knowing smirk, “How are you sleeping?” Much to their disbelief, I happily answer, “Great! We’re very blessed. She sleeps through the night.” This wasn’t always the case. Many a night I sleepily whined, “I don’t want to,” when ...

Free Knitting Patterns for Ladies Leg Warmers

If you are looking for some fun knitting projects, you should try your hand at knitting some leg warmers using the free patterns below. Some of these patterns are very easy and are great for beginners. Some of the leg warmer patterns are more advanced and would be good knitting projects for seasoned knitters. You ...

Karla News

Free Things to Do in Portland, Oregon

Portland is a fascinating city filled with shopping, entertainment, good food and drink. Fortunately for residents and visitors alike, some of the best things to do in the city don’t cost any money to enjoy. In fact, Portland is one of the easiest places to find free things to do – if you know where ...

Karla News

My Top 5 Cloth Diaper Rookie Mistakes

It seems that cloth diapering is really catching on as a cost-effective, environmentally-friendly alternative to disposables. I bought into the idea before my baby was born and referred to my decision as the “great cloth diapering experiment.” It was exciting to do all the research ahead of time, and then when the baby was finally ...

Best Mastectomy Bras for Comfort

Affecting over 200,000 people annually in the United States alone (, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer found in women today. Fortunately, medical advances have allowed many to survive the cancer and fatal cases are relatively small compared to the number of men and women affected by the disease. Sadly though, many ...

Karla News

New Webkinz World Secret Recipe Cheats

Webkinz World is a fun way to bring your cute Webkinz pet to life, and besides from creating a fun living environment for their pets, many kids are addicted to collecting the colorful trading cards they receive after discovering a new recipe. Some of these recipes are hard to discover, so I’ve made a helpful ...

Karla News

Digital Piano Keyboard Reviews: Hardware VS. Software-Based

There are many well-respected companies worth a look when choosing a digital piano. Unlike other keyboards, a digital piano keyboard seeks to replicate the sound of an acoustic piano, for use on stage or in recordings. Many digital pianos have a multitude of other tones built in as well, but it is for their similarity ...