Articles for tag: Juice Fasting, Liver Cleanse, Raw Foodist, Raw Foodists

Karla News

Best Raw Food Retreats in the US

Raw foodism is a dietary practice in which adherents believe that foods heated at temperatures above 116 degrees Fahrenheit, or 47 degrees Celsius, loses essential enzymes. They focus on raw, unprocessed plant-based foods, saying these raw foods enhance the body’s immune system and ability to fight disease. Many people adopt a raw food diet to ...

How to Clean Your Kidneys

Our kidneys are complicated organs that perform a very vital role in maintaining our body’s well-being. Shaped like beans and sized as big as a fist, their primary function is to keep the blood clean and chemically balanced. In addition, they work to maintain the balance of bodily fluids; they filter the blood, excrete a ...

Karla News

Fruit Juice Fasting for Weight Loss

Fruit juice fasting has been popularized by products like the “Hollywood Diet,” which promises weight loss within hours. In general, products like these work in the short term, but are not effective at keeping the weight off in the long term. When a person stops eating solid food, it causes them empty the contents of ...

Karla News

Is Weight Loss Fasting a Good Idea?

Weight loss fasting is one of many methods of weight loss that are touted by weight loss companies. Those looking to lose weight are certainly at no loss for finding someone or some company promising them the “real secret” to easy, breezy, no effort and fast-acting weight loss. While the vast majority of medical science ...

Two Free Rapid Detox Cleanse Diets

It seems as though the media has been buzzing quite loudly concerning these internal cleanses. The claims that are made for these cleanses are pretty astounding. Some people claim that rapid weight loss, better skin and even better bowl health are all associated with doing a rapid detox diet. These claims might seem ridiculous but ...

Raw Foods, Juice Fasting and Toxic Environments

Eating raw foods is one of the most healthful diets known to man, so the more raw foods we are able to implement into our diets the better. I love drinking raw, fresh juices because I know that these juices are full of raw food enzymes, minerals and vitamins. The fact that they are juiced ...

Rules for Eating While Fasting

When you want to lose weight, you go on a diet and there are hundreds of diet plans available. Some are very simple to do while some can be quite elaborate, with special preparations and strict rules to follow. Fasting is a type of diet that you can do for one to two days a ...