Articles for tag: English Literature, John Milton, Leviathan, Paradise Lost, Satan

Karla News

The Satan of “Paradise Lost”

In John Milton’s epic “Paradise Lost”, one highly identifiable character would be Satan. During the story, he is referred to by several names, all of them associated with his opposition to God. A few names given to him by the author would be arch-fiend and apostate angel. He is also compared in size and intent ...

Karla News

John Milton, Paradise Lost, and the Persuasion of Eve

In Book 9 of John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Satan makes the argument most critical to the plot of the story, persuading Eve to partake of the Forbidden Fruit. The result of this conversation directly affects the outcome of the narrative and serves as the climax for the entire poem, since one of the essential themes ...

Karla News

Phillis Wheatley’s Contribution to American History

The story of Phillis Wheatley is one of tragedy, though it can also be deemed one of the greatest stories about the excellence of the human spirit ever told. Born circa 1754, Wheatley was kidnapped from Africa and into slavery and sold to John and Susannah Wheatley of Boston, MA, around 1761. During captivity the ...

Karla News

Perception and Identity in Paradise Lost

For centuries, John Milton’s depiction of Satan in Paradise Lost has fallen under two categories of critical analysis. One camp, which over the years included such literary and theologian critics as C.S. Lewis and Stanley Fish, has stated that Milton used Satan as a means to explain God’s mysteries to man. Another camp that had ...

Karla News

Mammon: A Demon that Brings Wealth?

To some people Mammon is the name of a powerful devil. According to those that believe this, Mammon is a corruptor who will offer wealth and riches, the shiny baubles of the mortal world in the same way a succubus will tempt with sexual gratification. Activities that will make men chase after the almighty dollar ...