Articles for tag: Abuse of Power, Catholic Church, John Calvin, Papacy, Protestant Reformation

Karla News

The Causes of the Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was one of the most influential and important movements in the history of Europe. While at first glance it may seem to only affect the religions of the day, it had a large political and social impact as well due to the far reaching power of the Roman Catholic Church. The Reformation ...

Karla News

Martin Luther and Other Leaders of the Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation, started in 1517 with Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, was largely dominated by the theologies of Luther and the Genevan reformer John Calvin. Luther threw out Catholic dogma, such as purgatory and the selling of indulgences, in favor of his new interpretation of the Bible. Calvin accepted most of Luther’s teaching, mainly adding ...

Karla News

A Brief Look at the Doctrine of Predestination

Historically, the Protestant Reformation began with Martin Luther (1484-1546) and the 95 theses of “protest” he nailed to the door of the Cathedral in Wurms, Germany. Luther was not the only theologian of the Reformation, however; he was joined by Huldrych Zwingli (1484 – 1531), John Calvin (1509 – 1564), Heinrich Bullinger (1504 – 1575), ...

Karla News

The Relationship Between the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation

In history books, the Renaissance is discussed primarily to note a period where art flourished, the study of classics prospered, and the invention of the printing press was a major technological advance. However, the Renaissance made a greater impact on the world than just in art, education, and technological advances; the renaissance was a rebirth ...