Articles for tag: Jobs for Teens, Simi Valley

Karla News

Great Jobs for Teens in Simi Valley

In a town like Simi Valley, where the majority of recreational activities for teenagers cost money and lack of efficient public transportation often means teens need to drive, having a job can make life for teenagers so much nicer! Sometimes, when searching for a job, it can feel like no where wants people who are ...

Ten Best Summer Jobs for Teens!

Ten Best Summer Jobs for Teens! Teen Jobs! By LilyYou know that your Teen is going to want extra money to shop and eat out with their friends this summer, But you don’t have the extra money to give them to do that. However, You could suggest to your teen to find a part-time job ...

Cool Seasonal Jobs for Teens

Attention all Jobless Teens: As the holiday season approaches you may find yourself wondering how in the world you’re going to check off all of the items on your ever-growing Christmas gift list. Add to that car payments, insurance, cell phone bills, and dates with your adorable girlfriend (oh boy!) You don’t wanna be falling ...