Articles for tag: Balanced Lifestyle, Cacao, Hershey, hershey's, Jewish Law

Hershey’s New Healthy Trends

As shocking as it may seem a known candy bar company with tons of products can actually believe in nutrition and health. That seems to where the trend of healthy is heading for Hershey’s, who even now are promoting products of 100 calories or less. Shocking yes but true. Free GMO products in Europe The ...

Karla News

Jewish Life Under Feudal Order

In feudal society the Jews were not allowed to work the land. This led to them having mobility because they were not tied to the land like the Christian serfs that worked the land. It also led to the Jews living in urban communities with an internal autonomy. Life centered almost entirely in the Jewish ...

Karla News

The Top Kosher Restaurants in St. Louis, Missouri

Kashrut is the body of Jewish law that deals with what foods can and cannot be eaten and how these foods are prepared. “Kashrut” comes from the Hebrew root Kaf-Shin-Resh, meaning fit, proper, or correct. It is the same root of the more commonly used “kosher” which describes food that meets these standards. Sometimes the ...

Karla News

The Practices, History, and Beliefs of Judaism

Judaism is a monotheistic religion. This means to believe in one god. The laws and teachings of God are set out in the Torah. The Torah teaches Jewish people “how to act, think and even feel about life and death” (What is the Torah). Moses was given the Torah by God. The Torah consists of ...