Articles for tag: Causes of Dry Feet, Dry Feet Causes, Jesse Owens, United States or U.s

Karla News

Jesse Owens: A Short Biography

Jesse Owens , the runner who won four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics and whose sterling performance was a slap in the face to Adolf Hitler and his racist eugenics philosophy, was the most popular an iconic figure in American track and field history. A decade before Jackie Robinson broke the color bar ...

Karla News

Bio of Jesse Owens: World Records and Oympic Gold Medals

James Cleveland Owens was born on September 12, 1913 in Oakville, Alabama. James was the youngest of ten children born to Henry and Emma Owens. His family called him “J.C.” for short. The Owens family were sharecroppers. But even though J.C. had plenty of work to do on the family farm, he was able to ...